The three members of Damn tall Buildings standing in a triangle formation, the man on the left is tall and is wearing rectangular glasses, in the center a man with shoulder length hair, a long handlebar moustache and beard cover his face, on the right a blonde woman whos waivy hair sits just above the shoulders is wearing a black dress and wistfully looks on

Damn Tall Buildings


In their early days, Damn Tall Buildings didn't rehearse - they busked. From the beginning to the present, whether live or on record, the trio still radiates the excitement of a crew of best friends playing bluegrass on the street. Anchoring that energy is their instrumental chops, their strong songwriting, and their varied influences that stretch beyond bluegrass, even beyond American roots music altogether. Always witty and engaging, their music finds beauty and glory in the mundane struggle of everyday life. Whether sharing lead vocals and instrumental solos or blending their voices into high-spirited harmony, Damn Tall Buildings is a tight unit that contains more than the sum of its parts.

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Event information

Adults: $32, Students: $24

Ticket purchase options

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Call (208) 732-6288
Purchase in Person
CSI Fine Arts Center Box Office
315 Falls Avenue in Twin Falls
Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
6:30pm-7:30pm on performance nights

2024-2025 Artist Lineup